heart valve Replacement is a reliable method of saving lives by surgery. The survival rate is 99%.
surgery is required when significant damage to the heart valves, most commonly aortic and mitral. Heart valve replacement – an operation that was complicated and perfected for decades. Today some hospitals use minimally invasive operations resulting in 40 minutes. As the implant used pork, mechanical or bovine valve.
Traditional heart valve replacement is a long, open-heart surgery using the heart-lung machine.
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the Operation on replacement of heart valves are performed for many decades. Today, almost all countries of the world, this operation is already normal, and its technology is constantly improving. Naturally, the replacement of heart valves abroad in modern clinics the most popular, because they use the latest methods of operation and the most advanced models of grafts.
There are two types of grafts valves: mechanical and biological. Mechanical valves are created using high strength alloys and plastics, biological valves are made from animals. And they both have their advantages and disadvantages. Mechanical valves are more durable and serve the patient for life, but require constant patient application of anticoagulant drugs anticoagulants. Biological valves are less traumatic, does not require anticoagulation but have a shorter lifespan – 10-15 years.
the operation on replacement of heart valves also are of two types: open heart, when you turn it off and use the AIC (extracorporeal circulation), and without disconnecting of the heart using advanced minimally invasive technologies.
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