In the world strokes are considered "killers", ranking second for mortality. Death and disability in the diagnosis of ischemic stroke - 85-86%. Only 13% of patients fully recover. But among the survivors in the next 5 years half of the people "to receive" stroke. According to the statistics of ischemic character has 80% of stroke and the rest hemorrhagic.
Early hospitalization of stroke - hope to save lives. If you notice that a relative or just a person on the street starts to behave strangely, not carahatas away, deciding immediately that he was drunk. Unsteadiness, vomiting, confused speech - frequent signs of a terrible disease.
Ischemic stroke is an acute disease, in which dies the part of the brain where the blood flow. Artery can be stromerova (thromboembolism), spazmirovannah (hemodynamic form). Treatment - urgent hospital. recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.
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