Hemangioma treatment in city Sofia
497 patients are sent for treatment

Hemangioma treatment in clinics of Sofia

➤ Hemangioma treatment in clinics of Sofia ➤ 1 clinic Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 497 patients are sent for treatment

due To the fact that the hemangioma is a collective term that includes quite a large and diverse number of benign tumors (vascular in nature), it is very difficult to give exact numbers of patients with this complex disease. According to contradictory data from around the world are exposed to from 0.9 to 17.7% of people in different countries.

Because hemangiomas are common in children, don't be scared if on the face or other parts of the body there are vascular growths. The tumor is benign, the work of the organs does not break, unless they germinate, for example, in the ear or in the liver.

Oncologists treat a hemangioma (tumor arising from blood vessels) irradiation. Also used a laser, diathermocoagulation, cryosurgery, hormonal therapy, sclerotherapy. If these methods do not eliminate the tumor, it is removed surgically.

Doclandmed.com recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.

We found 1 clinic specialized in hemangioma with cumulative rating

We found 1 clinic specialized in Neurosurgery in Bulgaria

Good evening, my name is Kayrat, i'm from Kyrgyzstan(Central Asia ), and i have charcot marie tooth disease. I wonder to know, if there is any treatment or any chance to win this disease? Is it possible?
Too much bureaucracy - less care for patients.This is review is specifically addressed to international services and not doctors at Heidelberg.A friend of mine recommended to consult with Heidelberg Hospital about surgery and possible treatment. I inquired their international services more than two weeks ago and instead of referring my request to the appropriate doctor for the consultation they drowned my request in bureaucratic procedures asking for translations irrelevant documents.I was able to get second opinion for clinics in Israel and the US in less than two days and talked to doctors directly there. So if you are an international patient I don’t recommend consulting with Heidelberg - you would lose precious time and efforts.
A year ago I had an accident. The result has received a severe spinal injury. In the hospital said that it is necessary to put the pins, but I completely crumbled vertebra. We are talking about the fact that it is necessary to put a titanium implant, but since it's the spine, I was "advised" that if you want to go it is better to do it in foreign clinics. Clinic of Bonn - this is the option when the price of a treatment is fully justified. I'm still going through rehabilitation. But I understand that to apply to this clinic was the right decision.
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