Cyst of kidney treatment in city Sofia
497 patients are sent for treatment

Cyst of kidney treatment in clinics of Sofia

➤ Cyst of kidney treatment in clinics of Sofia ➤ 1 clinic Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 497 patients are sent for treatment

renal Cyst is a specific disease most often appears in people of retirement age (more than 60% of them have). The most unpleasant that she (to 77% of patients!) does not show (from 2 to 8 years). And because the cyst is diagnosed too late, which reduces the chances of a cure in 5-10 times.

the Cyst is somehow more associated with the word "ovary." But, in fact, a cyst is a bubble, the cavity which is formed inside the dense body. If it grows, it's a reason to visit a specialist. If renal cyst should go to the urologist (the surgeon). A nephrologist treats kidney therapeutic methods.

a Cyst on the kidney is a cavity in the connective tissue capsule with liquid inside. Renal cysts are congenital and acquired. Cyst of kidney dangerous complications: infection, renal insufficiency. Do not require treatment, only small cysts, the rest get a needle or by surgery. recommends that doctors and technology are recognized as the best in the world.

We found 1 clinic specialized in cyst of kidney with cumulative rating

We found 1 clinic specialized in Urology and nephrology in Bulgaria

She was treated by Inbar. Actually he is working in Ichilov, but maintains a private practice in Assuta that it is very profitable and, therefore, the attitude to patients is appropriate. It was a lot of doubt on Israel, but dare and have no regrets, there a hand filled - a difficult case to decide, my including. When he returned to Moscow, went to the local oncologist, he was surprised that such a treatment is suggested, where it reads, but in practice met. so think - worth it or not.
I have a hemangioma in my hand (forearm+wrist)is there any successful treatment
marwa aammar
I was treated in the urology Department of the hospital Chaim Sheba about BPH. The symptoms were pretty nasty, I was afraid that in Russia the doctors do not telling me something or do not notice, so I went to Israel. After a full observing I calmed down, really, except the adenoma nothing was founded and the doctors clinic Chaim Sheba treated adenoma very successfully.
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