the Stats are purely male diseases varicocele says it has 14-18% of the stronger sex. In these cases, the most effective are the various surgical techniques. For example, the operation method of the Marmara heals more than 75% of male patients. But 7-8% is still incurable problem.
All accustomed to, that varicose veins is "grapes" varicose veins on ladies legs. However, veins can pathologically expand in many other areas, even in the pelvis. Men have a "foot" varicose veins less common, but varicocele - also a disease difficult!
Varicocele is a varicose veins, but not on the feet, and in the spermatic cord and the testicles. Dilated veins can occur with a varicocele and in other places that speaks to the General weakness of the venous valvular apparatus. Treatment - only surgery, after a consultation of an urologist. recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.
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