Treatment in clinics of Germany differs in traditional German quality and enjoys high popularity around the world. The leading medical directions - treatment of cardiovascular, orthopedic, gynecologic and oncological diseases. Also plastic surgery and neurosurgery have good reputation.
Treatment in Germany there undergo annually hundreds of Russian tourists who need hospitalization abroad. Among advantages of the German medicine: high level of hardware of clinics, professionalism of doctors and easily transferable climate of the country. The most known clinics are in Berlin and Bavaria where the foreigners needing urgent diagnostics and intensive treatment are accepted.
Though it is impossible to call medical services of the German clinics too cheap, their cost is lower than many similar services in other countries. The prices of treatment in Germany are more democratic, than, for example, in Switzerland, the USA and England. Overall cost of treatment in the German clinics depends on the diagnosis and complexity of course of a disease.
Treatment in Germany without intermediaries is possible, but it is not as favorable as can seem at first sight. If the patient knows English or German, he will be able independently to choose clinic, to write the letter to the chief physician with the description of the case, to agree about reception and independently to process necessary documents. But for it treatment will be all the same more expensive, than for the German, because of introduction of the raising coefficient for foreign citizens. Besides, such actions will cost enormous expenses of forces and time. Therefore much more simply and more quietly to address services of reliable intermediaries who will be engaged in the organization of treatment in Germany at the professional level and will save you from many problems.
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