Diagnostic center DOC Dortmund was opened in 2013. It is staffed by doctors a variety of medical specialties, allowing patients to be diagnosed quickly and in the best possible conditions. The clinic is conducted by gynecologists, internists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, narcologists, dentists, gastroenterologists, otolaryngologists, mammalogy, surgeons, etc.
Diagnostic center DOC Dortmund is equipped with the most modern equipment. It is a radiological diagnosis, MRI, mammography, CT, x-ray, ECG, endoscopy, echo, laboratory diagnosis, and also actively apply methods of 3D-computer visualization. In addition, in Diagnostic center DOC Dortmund has an Express-diagnostics Check-up, in which clients learn the results of completed studies during the day.
For convenience, patients near the Diagnostic center DOC Dortmund are numerous restaurants, a pharmacy, laboratory of optics, sanitaetshaus, hotels. For patients and those accompanying them, the company conducts tours.
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