Specializes in the field of gynecological endocrinology, reproductive medicine, identify causes of recurrent miscarriages and failed implantation of the fetus during IVF.
Michael Amrani is a good doctor, has three specialty, working in the field of family planning. Dr. Amrani is a great obstetrician-gynecologist, is monitoring and adoption of labor.
His extensive clinical experience and extensive knowledge helps professionals quickly identify any irregularities in the fetal development or mother's body. it takes on management of complicated pregnancies, including multiple or high risk of miscarriage. Also a specialist working in the direction of gynecological endocrinology.
Dr Amrani treats functional disorders of the endocrine system, which prevent conception of the child. Michael Amrani also specializes in the field of reproductive medicine. it received and improved medical education in the best universities of Germany.
The specialist is engaged in scientific activities. Currently, together with colleagues conducting research into the causes of failed implantation embryos and repeated miscarriages. The specialist has his own practice, and receives patients at the Medical Center of Reproductive Medicine in the city of Wiesbaden.
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