Retinal detachment treatment in Germany
12,403 patients are sent for treatment

Retinal detachment treatment in Germany

➤ Retinal detachment treatment in Germany ➤ 32 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 95 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 12,403 patients are sent for treatment

the Sad statistics says that about 40% of patients with retinal detachment treated by the ophthalmologists much too late to provide adequate support becomes more difficult.

the Only possible way to neutralize the progression of the disease is surgical treatment of retinal detachment. Without timely intervention by competent ophthalmologists, the disease provokes irreversible loss of vision. Patients almost always develop cataracts, non-traditional therapy.

Surgical treatment of retinal detachment involves the local filling (with minor losses) or vitrectomy (in severe fibrotic processes). recommends that doctors and technology are recognized as the best in the world.

We found 32 clinics specialized in retinal detachment with cumulative rating
The clinic is certified by:ISO - leading certification platform of medical facilities involved in medical tourism and tourism medicine
Best choice!
University clinic of Würzburg specialised on treatment retinal detachment
Multidisciplinary University hospital comprises 19 clinics with polyclinics, as well as 3 independent clinics and 4 clinical Institute. Occupies the 8th place in the top recommended list of the best medical institutions in the magazine "FOCUS" for ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Reliable alternative!
University hospital of tübingen specialised on treatment retinal detachment
Multidisciplinary medical complex, medical center of the higher school, research and science. By providing maximum patient care known far beyond the region.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
The Charité Clinic specialised on treatment retinal detachment
3 reviews
Consulting Fees 500 $
The Berlin Charite hospital (hospital of charity or love of neighbor — French Charité) is the most famous University clinic of Germany in Europe, founded in 1710 and is one of the oldest traditional medical institutions in Germany. The complex ...
Consulting Fees 500 $
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
The Helios clinic Berlin-Buch (HELIOS-BUCH) specialised on treatment retinal detachment
A Multidisciplinary Helios clinic Berlin-Buch (HELIOS-BUCH) included in the group of private clinics HELIOS Hospital Group (Germany) - one of the largest healthcare corporations in Europe. The clinic provides patients services in virtually all areas ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Clinic Northwest specialised on treatment retinal detachment
Northwest clinic is a modern multidisciplinary clinic at the academic hospital at Frankfurt University Goethe. Northwest hospital has 10 specialized medical clinics and 3 scientifically oriented Institute, offering medical services and care at the ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Heidelberg University hospital specialised on treatment retinal detachment
One of the oldest medical institutions in Germany. specializing for the treatment of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, as well as a leader in the field of neuroscience, transplantation, genetics, and treatment of infectious diseases.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
Clinic Westend specialised on treatment retinal detachment
Westend clinic is a multidisciplinary institution founded in 1875. is part of clinics of the German red cross. Is one of the leading medical centers in Europe, serving annually 80 000 patients. On the basis of companies a certified mammography ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
International medical centre ", Vivantes" (Berlin) specialised on treatment retinal detachment
The German health network , Vivantes" is the largest state network of clinics in Germany. Serving 500,000 patients annually, "Vivantes" is a leading group of hospitals in Berlin where he works a more than 13 000 employees, 9 locations in which a ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff

We found 32 clinics specialized in Ophthalmology in Germany

Since childhood I was tormented by this problem as watery eyes eyes. Eyes were watering from the bright light, from the sun, from snow, from wind... Makeup in General in the winter it was impossible to do everything flowed. In Russia, the doctors told me that this is the usual sensitivity of the eye and there's nothing you can do. But that all changed after treatment in the clinic Hangil. Ophthalmologists not only delivered me from this disease, but also gave effective recommendations for prevention of this disease.
I want to Express my gratitude to the hospital staff and your doctor for a successful operation for cataract treatment. Already having lost all hope, and barely surviving several operations on eyes (can not tolerate anesthesia), I began to look for a special clinic on the Internet. I read an article about the dynasty of the fernández-VEGA ophthalmological Institute in which every year several thousand patients are treated the same disease that I have. Selling a house in Odintsovo (Moscow oblast), I'm using the portal block, was able to successfully cure cataracts!
I want to share my knowledge about medical tourism. I treated my angle-closure glaucoma in a medical clinic "Hengill" in Seoul. Beautiful 10-storey building professional and courteous staff. For this trip I took only a passport, medical documents translated into English and an invitation from the hospital, with the indication of contacts.
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