Migraine is making its debut on statistics to 30 years. This disease affects different countries from 1.7 to 10% of the population. Hereditary prove the figures: 60-90% of children with both parents was tormented by migraine pain also suffer paroxysms of migraine.
the unusual nature of the disease gives "aura". It's kind of a harbinger attack. Black specks before the eyes, momentary hallucinations, changes of the outlines of objects - hints that it would soon be the pain of the attack of illness.
Migraine (gr. "hemicrania", converted to the French way, means half the head) - a disease in which attacks of headache localized mainly on one side of the head. The throbbing nature of the pain. The treatment prescribed by a neurologist - pain in a soluble form, protivomigrenoznae funds.
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