Genetic diagnosis of tumors in China
4,498 patients are sent for treatment

Genetic diagnosis of tumors in China

➤ Genetic diagnosis of tumors in China ➤ clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 4,498 patients are sent for treatment recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.

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I went to Poland with his mother, she has a “bouquet” of heart disease. In Russia the doctors all blamed on age and, in my opinion, came to the treatment is very superficial. In the cardiology clinic  Medicover, which is headed by Professor Kopacz, mom had a very thorough examination clarified the diagnosis, and finally, he prescribed a medication that really helps.
I don't have any special health problems, do not go to the hospitals, do not like, and have no time, but the idea that it would be nice to pass some inspection, comes to me by the times. When I heard from friends is that you can come to Israel, good clinic in which in one day will do a bunch of research, was very interested. Is not so expensive, it can be finished quickly, at a high level, in addition to take a little vacation — to combine the examination with the rest of the sea. So I got in Rabin medical center. Fortunately, nothing bad I have not found, so we can continue to live and be happy.
I really liked that in the Herzliya medical center for me has secured a special curator, where it is called "case Manager". Even before arrival I sent all my tests and papers, I drew up a plan of examination and treatment. Each visit to the clinic, the curator went with me to the consultation, translated what the doctors said, explained the survey results. This approach makes the treatment abroad a lot easier.
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