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  • Treatment abroad

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  • Treatment abroad

    • Get your personal medical adviser and treatment plan for free
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  • Treatment abroad

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You can't imagine how hard it is to live with permanently watery eyes. It so happened that for a long time I could not determine a diagnosis. But when I came to the conclusion that my problem is caused by the obliteration of the lachrymal canal, it... Read more
Inga, 45 years     Dec 5, 2016
I had a terrible allergic reaction, it is true to me that the doctors did not give a clear answer. I handed over all analyzes, but the specific allergen has not been identified. I went therapies and sat on an elimination diet - all to no avail! Just... Read more
Olga, 30 years     Dec 5, 2016
A month ago I had high blood pressure, there was a strong feeling of chest tightness and General discomfort. Periodically, gasping for air, it was difficult to breath and had a dry cough. I wasn't sure what is going on with me! The doctors thought... Read more
Dmitry, 55 years     Dec 5, 2016
Get medical opinion of best doctors
Doctor  Podberezina Yuliya Lvovna Podberezina Yuliya Lvovna

Specialist in the treatment of breast cancer. He maintains an active research and teaching activities.

Doctor  Mikhael Shenk Mikhael Shenk

Michael Schenk - a doctor who specializes in surgery and anesthesiology

Doctor  Yohannes Valtenberger Yohannes Valtenberger

Yohannes Valtenberger - a talented German cardiologist and Angiology, rightly considered a master of his craft.

Doctor  Rolf Shtal Rolf Shtal

He specializes in the treatment of patients with kidney disease, rheumatic diseases.

Medical treatment abroad is simple

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