the Clinic “Medicine” was opened in 1990, Is the largest multidisciplinary medical center, which includes: inpatient unit, emergency Department, Oncology center, Sofia. The work of the organization is conducted in 69 different medical specialties.
the staff of the company “Medicine” 340 formed by professionals who are 44 specialty. Among them candidates and doctors of med. of Sciences, corresponding members and academicians of RAS, Professor. The doctors carefully examine every case and choose for their patients the most effective and safe treatment regimen.
to Quickly and accurately diagnose them helps a great technical base of the centre “Medicine”. So, the hospital has the latest ultrasound system, MRI, CT multispiral, densitometers, mammography equipment and other devices of new generation.
the hospital “Medicine” comfortable conditions are created. Patients here are in spacious houses, reminiscent of a cozy apartment at the 4 - and 5-star hotels, Smart rooms, equipped with remote control systems. Care by experienced nurses, who regularly undergo training in the best clinics of Europe.
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