Ivan Alexanderovich Kolbin Russia
Seniority 34 years , ☺ reviews $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics
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Ivan Alexanderovich Kolbin

54 years / Seniority 34 years
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Our company is the official representative of the doctor Ivan Alexanderovich Kolbin worldwide
Price for personal appointment $50
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An urology and neyrourologii specialist. it is engaged in the treatment of urological disorders in diseases of the nervous system.

Treat diseases

Ivan AleksandrovichKolbin - urologist, neyrourolog surgeon, working in a private rehabilitation center «Three Sisters»

Research Issues

Identify urological diseases and disorders in patients with abnormalities and lesions. CNS. The practice uses the most advanced variety of clinical, X-ray and laboratory tests. Conducts invasive diagnostic laparoscopic and endoscopic access.

Professional activities

He specializes in the treatment of patients with neurogenic dysfunction, urinary tract infections, especially urinary incontinence. Performs correction of neurogenic bladder, Nephroptosis, interstitial cystitis. Engaged in urological surgery.


Ivan Kolbin graduated from Siberian State Medical University, passed residency on specialty "Urology". He worked in the department neyrourologicheskom RN FMBA of Russia. Completed internship in surgery.

Participation in events

Participates in congresses, scientific-practical conferences on neyrourologii.

Scientific activities

Develops programs urological therapy in patients after suffered central nervous system diseases.

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