He specializes in the treatment of diseases in the field of mammalogy and endocrine surgery.
Dr Deux Yong specializes in the treatment of oncological diseases of the breast. it studied at Yonsei University in 1995 graduated from the Faculty of Medicine Master's degree. In 1999 he became a doctor of medical sciences. Today it is seeing patients at the University Hospital Inha
it treats patients with malignant tumors and benign tumors of the breast. Mammolog conducting a survey and inspection, a complete diagnosis of the patient's condition. For accurate diagnosis, applies the most advanced diagnostic methods.
After obtaining an accurate picture of the disease Deux Yong is an individual treatment plan, taking into account the development of the disease and the patient's condition. Also, it conducts diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases and disorders. For the treatment of Deux Yong uses modern therapeutic methods.
engaged in teaching, he is a professor in the Department of Surgery at Inha University. it headed female Cancer Center at the University. it made a significant contribution to the study of breast cancer, it has a number of important scientific publications.
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