1 out of 100 inhabitants of the Land, according to statistics, the pain in this disease as atrial fibrillation. Particularly among the elderly. 5% of people after 60 years are sure to encounter this trouble, and after 80 years it is 10%. Chronic diseases, alcoholism and obesity also involve the people at risk.
"a Rattling" in the chest and signs of "Mercalli" (as it is called in medical slang) or atrial fibrillation frightening, especially when one is confronted with the disease for the first time. Cardiologist is now your best friend so you should immediately schedule an appointment.
Atrial fibrillation - a kind of irregular rhythm of the heartbeat when the Atria "twitching", not decrease, as expected. Such a fibrillation is very dangerous, so the treatment just a comprehensive. A cardiologist selects meds that make less seizure frequency and regulates the rhythm. Assigned to thrombolytics, medications that reduce cholesterol in the blood.
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