According to statistics, dilated cardiomyopathy occurs in 9% of people with heart failure. This pathology occurs in 3-10 per 100,000 people. 33% of cases of sudden death in this diagnosis is pulmonary embolism, because a great tendency to thrombosis. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is less common - its frequency is 0.2%, and the mortality rate is 2 to 4%.
Like all heart disease, cardiomyopathy dangerous and insidious. Begins suddenly, signs no no. The symptoms appear when the disease is already in full swing, anatomy of the heart broken. That's why, when a seemingly healthy man suddenly falls and dies, all but the cardiologists are at a loss.
Cardiomyopathy is a group of diseases of the heart, which is suffering the function of the heart muscle. Treatment is often symptomatic. Applied beta-blockers, drugs to reduce blood pressure, cardiac glycosides and thrombolytics. recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.
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