Recent studies have shown that psoriasis - a disease quite common, it affects 2 to 4% of people. About 250 million people! The cold climate, according to statistics, contributes to the development of the disease, tropical - on the contrary. Villagers in 4 times less suffer from psoriasis than the townspeople.
psoriasis From the Greek translates as "itch" or "pruritus". This is the main symptom of psoriasis. But do not rush to put a diagnosis, if you have somewhere itching. There are several types of psoriasis, and not the fact that this disease is giving you trouble. And sometimes itching and scabies. That's why itchy spots on the skin it is urgent to show the dermatologist!
Psoriasis is not treated until the end, like many chronic illnesses. The task of the physician to achieve a sustained remission. For this purpose, and medications, and physical therapy (especially effective is the narrowband UVB phototherapy), and folk remedies. recommends that doctors and technology are recognized as the best in the world.
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