Statistics of economically developed countries tells us that cirrhosis of the liver - in "honored six" leading mortality diseases. The age of patients blooming - 36-61 year. Death - cirrhosis of the liver die 14-30 per 100,000. 40 million people die each year in the world from viral cirrhosis.
the Disease is severe, and no one is immune. Because cirrhosis themselves "earn" only alcoholics and drug addicts. To other people it's insidiously gets through viral hepatitis, autoimmune processes, etc.
the liver Cirrhosis - chronic disease is accompanied by changes in the structure of hepatocytes and turning them into scar tissue, dysfunction of the organ. Treatment - drugs, hepatoprotectors, strict diet. recommends that doctors and technology are recognized as the best in the world. recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.
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