the Cause of hepatitis, or factor causing inflammation of the liver are most often a virus. Despite the fact that viral hepatitis combines the viral nature of the disease is a disease caused by different viruses, which requires different treatment tactics. The most dangerous viruses causing hepatitis include the virus hepatitis B virus hepatitis C. Hepatitis D virus is the smallest virus in nature that affects the liver with hepatitis B virus, increasing the destructive action of the latter. Hepatitis G is often found with viral hepatitis C. Viral hepatitis b, With the threat of frequent transition in the chronic form and the development of complications: recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.
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According to who, more than 500,000 people in the world have chronic viral hepatitis. Fortunately, many people from different countries of the world, developed by medicines for complete cure of chronic viral hepatitis C. The cost of modern treatment became available for many patients. Gone are the expensive and lengthy treatment regimens, have serious side effects and do not give significant guarantee of success. The drugs for successful suppression of hepatitis B virus, which allows to avoid the destruction of liver cells and development of cirrhosis.
hepatitis a (Botkin's disease) differs from other viral hepatitis a transmission mechanism. Hepatitis And contribute to poor personal hygiene, contaminated water, poorly washed fruits. Considering the mechanisms of transmission of hepatitis A, often recorded outbreaks of the disease. Favorable outcome of viral hepatitis and absence of chronic disease, is also the hallmark of hepatitis A from other, more dangerous, and the preceding viral hepatitis b and hepatitis C. Any threat and always requires immediate and proper treatment. To protect against hepatitis A and B vaccinations (administered preventive vaccine). From a hepatitis C vaccine has not yet been established.
In recent years, often diagnose hepatitis TTV, this disease also is caused by a virus and causes a significant damage of the liver. In our recommended clinics perform accurate diagnostics of viral hepatitis and treatment is applied using the most modern medicines.
inflammation of the liver (hepatitis) can cause not only viruses, but also certain medications, toxins, various infectious agents, autoimmune reactions occurred due to improper work of immune system. Dysfunction of the gallbladder, inflammation and concrements (stones) in the gallbladder also can cause inflammation of the liver - cholestatic hepatitis. Timely access to a doctor and the latest techniques with minimal intervention, helping to fully restore the function of the liver in this case.
If you suspect hepatitis perform ultrasound examination of the liver, blood tests for markers of viral hepatitis, and various liver function tests, designed to assess the extent of damage to the liver tissues. Find out more about modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of hepatitis. Ask a question to our expert.
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