peptic Ulcer is one of the most alarming health problem of modern times. After all, if you compare the statistics among different countries, she today is this: In Spain she is sick 05%, Germany 0.9%, Pakistan – 24%, Uzbekistan 15%, in Russia – 12%.
the Word "plague" has ironic overtones, sarcastic always called people, sharp tongue. By the way, these people are sick gastric ulcer is extremely rare. Psychotherapists explain that the ulcer have a tendency not to Express emotions, to keep everything inside. So "being sarcastic"."
stomach Ulcer - a disease in which the inner layer (mucosa of stomach) acquires one or more defects. Hence ulcer bleeding, degeneration to cancer and other problems. Medicated, often with antibiotics. In difficult cases, do surgery - gastrectomy. recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.
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