The donorship of eggs and sperm for today is the best way to get child for couples suffering from infertility (and those in the country for 2014 was 870-679). Donors are selected according to strict standards and criteria of the Ministry of health. Their number in our country is equal to 377 thousand. And the overall "success rate" of this type of fertilization has already reached in some cities of the country 45-55%.
In modern films are laughing at male sperm donors. And no one comes to mind to laugh at the women who give their eggs. Most likely, this is due to the way their "prey," in women it is much more complex. In any case, the happy laughter of those couples who gave birth to their child thanks to the wonderful technology.
The donorship of eggs and sperm is anonymous transfer of "genetic material" necessary for conception, from healthy men and women for those who, for various reasons are infertile. recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.
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