If you need specific figures on such major medical events, such as: "Spinal surgery. Back surgery", I have to say that the official data is not enough. However, the fact that 100% of people who suffer from diseases of the spine, according to the research of the "Institute of Upledger" (USA), from 25 to 33% of patients do surgery, can you talk about the global scale of this problem.
Doctors often hear from patients "scary stories" about how after surgery someone paralyzed. Such things have happened at the dawn of the spinal surgery, when carried out the first operation. But today, technology is so perfect that adverse effects are rare.
Spinal surgery is a practice and science, engaged in operations on the spine and spinal cord. Professionals need to know the basics of neurosurgery and all surgery, own trauma techniques.
Doclandmed.com recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.
We found 6 clinics specialized in Neurosurgery in Spain
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