According to statistics of the Ministry of health, myopia is now available in different kinds and forms 1 476 580 of our compatriots. However, due to the emergence of a growing number of specialized "Centers of vision correction", operations and other therapeutic and prophylactic measures involve healing from this problem have more than 150 000 patients per year. It pleases and inspires, though, and cautious, but still optimistic.
you Know why short-sighted often squint? The fact that the eyeball is squeezed then a little and the picture becomes clearer. Because in this pathology the eye is elongated in the front-rear direction. And the same thing will happen if your fingers to stretch the outer corners of the eyes.
Myopia - diseases of the eyeball when the image in the eye formed in front of the retina. This person sees near objects well but remote blurry. Treatment - correction lenses and glasses surgical methods. recommends that doctors and technology are recognized as the best in the world.
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