the US first estimate how many people suffer stress - 90% of the population. 60% of them are him 1 or 2 times a week, 30% every day. According to statistics, 2/3 of the diseases with which people go to doctors due to stress.
Who has not experienced stress? Person learns to drive a car and first drove out. As a rule, he gets up from the chair wet from sweat. This release of adrenaline in response to stress: overtaking cars, pedestrians on the road. Stress-filled our lives and home and at work. Yelled the boss, an argument with home, sick child around the adrenaline.
Stress is the body's response in the form of changes in emotional state in response to strong stimuli (stressors). Emotions arise negative - fear, anxiety, frustration. Treatment by a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. recommends that doctors and technology are recognized as the best in the world.
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