Statistics show that 2 out of 10 men have a problem with erection, called impotence. And to the doctor comes 1 from 10. The lack of education of this area affects the health, not everyone knows that 90% of these problems can be cured! Because in 80% of cases, impotence is a consequence of another disease.
For women it is difficult to understand how mens suffer, who put a diagnosis of "impotence". And ridicule on this occasion, just lower men's self-esteem to the lowest level. So it's best gently to guide him to the andrologist.
Impotence (that's right - erectile dysfunction) - a condition where the hardness of the penis is too low for sexual intercourse. Either men don't have an ejaculation. The treatment can be conservative including medication, psychotherapy and massage and surgical. recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.
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