the Number of patients with a diagnosis of renal failure is constantly growing. So, in each following year throughout the Land it ill 10 - 17% more than in the previous. And today, the total number of patients with this "progressive threat to humanity" equivalent to more than 400 million people from all continents.
"happy end" - medical slang for CRF, chronic renal failure. This sad joke was formed when the doctors realized how difficult it is to cope with the illness. Despite the hemodialysis, which cleanses the blood at least 3 times a week, the disease often progresses. In some cases the only thing saving kidney transplant.
Renal failure is a painful condition of the kidneys in which they are unable to function normally. Renal failure occurs in acute and chronic form. Both conditions are treated in the intensive care unit or in intensive care because the illness is deadly. recommends that doctors and technology are recognized as the best in the world.
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