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The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment
14 November 2016

Each year in German clinics treat hundreds of thousands of foreign patients. What exactly makes Germany the supporters of "medical tourism"? On the one hand is the clinics with the highest class equipment , on the other hand is the staff professionalism and impeccable quality of patient care.

To get treatment in Germany is not difficult, but it is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances about which it is better to know in advance.

University clinics in Germany: advantages and disadvantages

Germany has more than 2000 hospital institutions. The most attractive for foreign patients become University hospital, represents not just the hospital, but the medical city, which along with the treatment of patients conduct research to develop new medications and methods of treatment of diseases.

The most famous among them is the Charité clinic located in Berlin. In addition to Charité, the list of the largest University hospitals in Germany includes establishments located in Erlangen, Jena, Cologne and Munich.

University hospital is not only a guarantee of high qualification doctors, but also the opportunity to obtain medical care for the unique techniques developed at the clinic. Thus, Heidelberg University hospital is one of the best, if there is a question about where and how to treat breast cancer in Germany. This is due to the fact that there is the national cancer center Heidelberg NCT.

What are the disadvantages of clinics at universities? Often patients complain of a complex infrastructure of medical institutions. For example, not knowing the language, you can very easily get lost and wander for a long time between the building of Frankfurt clinic. What can we say about Сharité, which 4 campuses are located in different districts of Berlin. If the doctor sends you for diagnostics at one of the campuses, you can get lost if you are not accompanied by an interpreter.

Besides, we cannot ignore the fact that treatment in such large University hospital is the conveyor. The Professor will not be able to spend a lot of time in the patient's room for the reason that he has little time. And if in the workplan doctor consultation take 30 minutes he can't to answer additional questions that does not fit in the time frame.

And we shouldn't forget that the work of a Professor at the University hospital is estimated much more expensive than the labor of an ordinary physician in the city hospital. The difference in the accounts sometimes up to several thousand euros.

Private hospitals and practices

When it comes to not about cancer or other serious diseases, as, for example, on passing check-up, foreign patients prefer to go to private medical institutions – hospitals or practices.

Private clinics are much more willing to accept foreign patients, so, in the case when you need to act quickly, preference is given to them. The staff working in such institution, shall have the qualifications required to conduct routine assessments and routine interventions. In complicated cases, the clinic itself will select specialists from another medical center if necessary.

We should also mention private practices that also offer services to foreign patients. As a rule, owners of such practices are doctors of the highest qualification, spent a couple of decades "in the field" hospital. Today popular combined practices represents a sort of mini-clinics where several doctors are working together with patients and select appropriate treatment.

The main advantage of treatment to private doctors or private hospitals is the individual approach, the doctors usually give the patient more time and personal attention.

What you should to consider going for treatment to Germany

Unfortunately, medicine is not a exact science, and you have to accept the fact that sometimes even the best treatment is not a guarantee of recovery. Professionalism and modern equipment does not makes the German doctors by the Almighty Gods. For example the lung cancer in Germany responding to therapy to a certain stage, after which the patient will be offered palliative treatment.

The person, who is going for treatment to Germany, should clearly imagine, what he expects from this visit, weigh the "pros" and "cons". If possible, you should use the distant consultation with the prospective doctor, asking the questions about the prognosis for recovery.

For example, in intermediary firms, who organizing the treatment, you can request a preliminary consultation with the doctor. Important point: communicate better with your doctor by mail, as not all specialists speak English.

Why is it better to contact with intermediary organization

The important point of treatment in Germany become the financial and legal aspects of this procedure. You cannot come into the country on a tourist visa and contact the first clinic, expressed a desire to stay with them for treatment. The doctors only treat patients. Preparation of the preliminary cost estimates, allocations, billing and other documents are made through financial centers, which in turn are much more willing to work with intermediary organizations, rather than with individual customers who reside outside the country.

The intermediary between the clinic and the patient is looking for a suitable hospital, but also takes on managerial functions, the importance of which is underestimated in any case impossible.

No matter what the reason that prompted the person to become interested in the question of treatment in Germany. Reinterpret the saying, you can say: "Who owns the information wins". And the main prize is their health and sometimes even life.

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