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The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment
28 October 2016

Medicine in Israel

The development of medicine in the world is uneven. Some of the country's medical unit clearly outperform their neighbors on the planet. It's not even that some where are born more talented doctors, or medical education better. Very important are the level of technological development, funding new research and development. And the level of development of the health system — too.

Why Israeli medicine has become one of the best in the world

Historically: among the Hebrews a lot of good doctors, brilliant scientists and successful bankers. When many of them live in one small country medicine in this country is doomed to become one of the best.

The history of modern Israel, lying in the midst of the middle East problems had never been calm. The state takes care of those who suffered during the hostilities and terrorist attacks, and much has been developed for the treatment and rehabilitation of wounded soldiers and victims of terrorist attacks.

The government just cares about its citizens. About children and mothers, the elderly and the handicapped, adults and capable citizens. The system is designed so that Israeli doctors can and want to help citizens and foreign nationals. And recently for foreigners and Israelis, the cost of fees for medical services equal, for example treatment of breast cancer in Israel will cost the same to Israeli women and Russian women. Only for the Israeli women part of the costs will cover the so-called "health insurance Fund", a kind of medical insurance.

All the Israeli doctors, regardless of the qualifications and regalia, are obliged to work in public hospitals, at government rates. They can accept or operate in private clinics. But the degree of equipment of public hospitals is still ahead of private institutions.

As a small country, the big public hospitals a little. And each of them is ready to cure and to save any Israelite, and by aseparate quota foreign citizens too.

What are treated in Israel

In short — everything. But there are a few areas of medicine in which Israeli doctors particularly far advanced:

  • Obstetrics and gynecology. Attitude towards children and motherhood in Israel special. Children here love, motherhood and large families welcome. The country has learned to solve various problems related to women's health. Here treat infertility, IVF is carried out, taking even the most difficult birth. Want to give birth easily — come to Israel.
  • Oral and maxillofacial surgery. Israeli doctors perform complex operations, restoring the person literally from pieces. This is the branch of medicine which developed internally — victims of terrorist attacks often receive injuries to the head and face. In the world today has no equal in the Israeli oral and maxillofacial surgeons.
  • Cardiology and cardiac surgery. Atrial fibrillation, postinfarction state, heart defects, congenital and acquired — cure everything but death, and even sometimes to cope with it ...
  • Angiology and everything to do with blood vessels.
  • Orthopedics. Including the treatment of spinal injuries, the removal of intervertebral hernia, complex operations on the joints.
  • Dentistry and prosthetics. Best Hollywood smile in Israel!
  • Dermatology. Including the treatment of psoriasis at the Dead sea.
  • Oncology. This is one of the most popular and developed areas of medicine in Israel. The highest level of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation every year to help save and extend the lives of hundreds of patients from around the world. Here you will spend the successful treatment of breast cancer and in a very gentle manner, and then another, and restore the appearance of Breasts. Forced to retreat brain cancer, using all the chances and opportunities. Important: Israel has developed the methods of treatment of rare cancers, including in children.

Why choose Israel?

For many medical tourists, Israel is a visa is not required, a third of the population speaks Russian. Prices above are lower than in other countries medical tourism. And most importantly — there really save and help.

The main advantages of Israeli medicine:

  • High level of development of diagnostic methods. Cases when delivered at home, the diagnosis is not confirmed, — the phenomenon completely not rare. People come to know how many months they left to live at best, and is leaving in two weeks, fit and full of optimism. Because the diagnosis was not confirmed, and in fact, the issue had helped to get rid of a few days. Also the time on the tour left.
  • Well equipped hospitals with medical devices and equipment.
  • The latest drugs, some of which are not available in other countries.
  • Unique methods of rehabilitation, allowing the patient to recover quickly after surgery.
  • Respect for patients. For example, in the treatment of breast cancer in Israel is often carried out careful removal of a small segment, keeping the Breasts, while at home the patient will be offered a radical mastectomy.

Some drawback may seem the hot climate of the country. But the peak falls in summer and spring, winter and autumn are quite comfortable. All buildings and vehicles have air conditioning, so even in the summer heat will not be a big obstacle.

How to arrange treatment in Israel?

There are several ways to receive medical care in Israel, by yourself or with the help of expert facilitators.

You can directly contact any major hospital in Israel. Each of them has a Department dedicated to foreign patients, each allocated a quota for the treatment of foreign citizens. You can write them a letter, and in the near future you will call a representative of the clinic, with whom you can discuss your questions.

Advantage of this approach is you do not pay to intermediaries.

More disadvantages:

  • Whatever you have promised the clinic, you will not be able to communicate directly with any specialist of high qualification, until you arrive in person. You will speak or with the secretary, or the doctor relatively low skills. To understand your business and understand they will not. Their task is to convince you to come.
  • If necessary, you will be much more difficult to get on consultation to the doctors in another clinic. Just because hospitals, in which all would work the best specialists at the same time, does not exist. You may have to wait long for the queue to go to another doctor in another clinic, and each day of stay in a foreign country significantly increases your costs.
  • You will have to organise your own flights and accommodation.
  • If you don't speak the language, you will have to hire a translator. Not all translators possess sufficient knowledge to correctly translate the specific medical terms and concepts. This can significantly hamper communication with your doctor.
  • You can become a victim of fraud. The website may not be related to the famous clinic, "doctor, Professor, best specialist" with whom you spoke on Skype, in fact, be just enterprising and unscrupulous man making easy money on the human desire to get better.

What is offered by coordinators treatment specialists?

  • The organization of diagnosis and treatment at reputable clinics. If necessary several.
  • Flights, airport transfers and accommodation in a conveniently located hotel or rented apartment.
  • Accompaniment and translation services.
  • Coordination of the process. You will receive maximum services during the stay in the country.

What does it mean?

Professionals treatment have information about the best doctors in different medical fields. They will save you from having to shovel the megatons of information to find that doctor that is right for you.

They will be able to check medical records and find out in advance what tests a customer will be able to get at home, to save him from unnecessary expenses in Israel. Contrary to popular belief, many of the results of research and analysis to duplicate is not necessary.

The coordinator will develop a program of treatment so that clients do not lose time waiting for the advice of a doctor or surgery. The program is intense and effective. If desired, it will include tours in Israel have something to watch. The treatment program will take into account the desires and possibilities of the client.

As a rule, the organizers of treatment have agreements with the owners of houses and hotels, allowing you to rent housing at lower prices, there are established links with the clinics. The client can contact the organizer at any time to ask vital questions or get help. And this is very important for a person caught in a foreign country.

The provision of services in organization of treatment abroad is made on the basis of the contract.


In Israel there is no concept of "hopeless patient". There, in a deeply religious country, thinks: only God knows how much to whom released. The duty of a doctor is to heal, even if the chances of success are negligible.

And they cure, heal, save and help. Perhaps, in the biblical land God is, indeed, closer and more merciful to people?
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