Roberto Shpirer Germany
Seniority 29 years , Doctor of Medicine, Doctor ☺ reviews $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics
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Roberto Shpirer

Doctor of Medicine, Doctor
56 years / Seniority 29 years
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Our company is the official representative of the doctor Roberto Shpirer worldwide
Price for personal appointment $600
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Head of the Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery carpal.

Treat diseases

Roberto Shpirer is an excellent specialist in the field of plastic surgery. Also conducts operations to restore mobility and hand function. The head of Center for Plastic Surgery, an international network of clinics "Vivantes".

Dr Shpirer studied at Boston University, was trained at the Berlin Free University. it has mastered several surgical areas: plastic and general, as well as emergency and reconstructive.

Roberto Shpirer proves that plastic surgery - not just pumping out the excess fat, but an important and irreplaceable surgical industry. it provides invaluable assistance to people affected by emergencies, carrying out reconstruction of the face and holding a new signaling pathway for nerves. Doctor helps to restore an attractive appearance and sensitivity of patients undergoing oncologic diseases.

Provides emergency and routine care for people with severe skin burns and severe nerve damage. Spends microsurgery, as well as blepharoplasty, facelift, liposuction, wrinkle correction, abdominoplasty, the introduction of botulinum toxin.

Price for diagnostic and manipulations
3000$ - 4000$
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200$ - 2500$
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