Adnexitis treatment in city Sofia
497 patients are sent for treatment

Adnexitis treatment in clinics of Sofia

➤ Adnexitis treatment in clinics of Sofia ➤ 2 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 497 patients are sent for treatment

Adnexitis is one of the most common pathologies of the female reproductive system. Inflammation of the uterine appendages managed to experience about 60% of the fairer sex. Approximately one fifth of them are now suffering from infertility.

do You suffer from constant pain in the abdomen? Increased body temperature and a feeling of weakness? More likely is an adnexitis. This pathology often leads to severe complications and requires timely initiation of treatment.

Adnexitis is a inflammatory process of different etymologies, covering the uterus completely. If you have symptoms of this disease should immediately contact a specialist. recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.

We found 2 clinics specialized in adnexitis with cumulative rating

We found 2 clinics specialized in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Bulgaria

Already more than 2 years Professor Ebert is no longer the head of the Department of gynecology in the hospitals Vivantes, now he is only a private practitioner. These two years he is observed me, but I'm satisfied, unfortunately, not by all.
Olga M.
When we moved to Bangkok, my husband and I decided to have a baby, because for long time It been postponed for various reasons. But I have a couple of months turned 37, and wait then it was risky. After a year of attempts, I was unable to get pregnant. Doctor at International hospital of Bumrungrad, examined me, said it was because of abortion, made by me at an early age. Besides, my husband has found a weak sperm motility and poor quality of sperm. After prolonged treatment, we decided to try IVF at this center. After several attempts, replanting embryo, we got pregnant! It was such an indescribable feeling of happiness! And we got twins! Throughout the pregnancy we observed and in the end, I gave childbirth to perfectly healthy babies at 38 weeks. One 2350 gram, other - 2230 grams. All we have now is good! We are fully satisfied with this hospital.
When the question arose of where I give childbirth, I decided that just won't do it in Russia, it is safer abroad, and friend advised me to Bangkok hospital, it is located in Pattaya. It was difficult to decide, but I went and as it turned out, for good reason: the hospital staff is very friendly, the doctor is experienced, the conditions are excellent, the delivery was great. When somebody told me about the horrors of Russian hospitals, I always laugh, because I was in Thailand so easy and comfortable.
Olesya V.
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