Oliver Khabler Germany
Seniority 32 years , Doctor ☺ reviews $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics
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Oliver Khabler

52 years / Seniority 32 years
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Place of work
Clinic Northwest
Our company is the official representative of the doctor Oliver Khabler worldwide
Price for personal appointment $600
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Oliver Hubler - is not only a great anesthesiologist. it involved in artificial nutrition, anesthesia, "bloodless" blood transfusion, intensive blood circulation therapy.

Treat diseases


Professor Oliver Hubler is a highly qualified specialist in the field of Analgesic Therapy


  • holding about 8,000 anesthesia each year;
  • modern methods of general and regional anesthesia;
  • work premedikatsionnoy dispensaries to determine the risk before operation
Pain therapy:.
  • catheter postoperative analgesic methods-spinal and peripheral nerve block;
  • pumps for patient-controlled . analgesia

Operative intensive Care medicine:

  • clock surveillance by physicians specializing in intensive care;
  • monitoring of all functions of the body;
  • Payment methods works bodies;
  • differentiated mechanical ventilation and intensive therapy of the circulatory system;
  • payment methods kidneys, artificial nutrition, special physical therapy

Achievements and career

Directs the department of anesthesiology at the Nordwest hospital, where ezhedgodno performed more than eight thousand anesthesia. He has extensive work experience. In the area of practical interests includes all modern methods of regional and general anesthesia and general intensive medicine and bloodless surgery. Conducts special events to stabilize blood clotting. Speaks monitoring techniques all body functions and ways of compensation of the organs.

Scientific activities

has the title of Doctor of Science. Oliver Hubler - frequent speaker international professional conferences

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