Children's oral and maxillofacial surgery in Greece
37 patients are sent for treatment

Children's oral and maxillofacial surgery in Greece

➤ Children's oral and maxillofacial surgery in Greece ➤ clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 37 patients are sent for treatment

Children's oral and maxillofacial surgery allows you to live a normal childhood. The most common operations in this region are corrections of congenital defects: cleft lip or cleft palate. In 90% of cases the correction of these defects gives the successful result.

Children's maxillofacial surgery eliminate violations received for injuries or degenerative diseases of the tissues of the face. This area helps children to lead a normal life: to eat properly, speak, smile.

Children's maxillofacial surgery aimed at treatment of diseases of tissues, traumas, tumors, defects of the maxillofacial region. recommends that doctors and technology are recognized as the best in the world.

We found 0 clinics specialized in children's oral and maxillofacial surgery with cumulative rating

We found 0 clinics specialized in Pediatrics in Greece

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