Pediatric cardiology in Greece
37 patients are sent for treatment

Pediatric cardiology in Greece

➤ Pediatric cardiology in Greece ➤ clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 37 patients are sent for treatment

Pediatric cardiology is aimed at the identification and treatment of pathologies of heart and vessels in children. Among the cardiovascular anomalies 70% have congenital heart disease, approximately 25% of vascular disease.

If you notice that your child often, lips turning blue, he gets tired quickly, complain of chest pain, contact cardiologist. Timely treatment helps to get rid of many abnormalities of the heart in children, without consequences in adult life.

Pediatric cardiology is a medical field that focuses on study, diagnosis and methods of treatment of cardiovascular diseases in children including developmental disorders of the heart and inflammatory diseases. recommends that doctors and technology are recognized as the best in the world.

We found 0 clinics specialized in pediatric cardiology with cumulative rating

We found 0 clinics specialized in Pediatrics in Greece

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