Keratoconus treatment in city Soloniki
37 patients are sent for treatment

Keratoconus treatment in clinics of Soloniki

➤ Keratoconus treatment in clinics of Soloniki ➤ clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 37 patients are sent for treatment

Keratoconus is diagnosed in approximately 1 person out of 1000, and the researchers did not detect any relationship between illness and nationality or other factors.

Keratoconus remains a medical mystery, but most of the inconvenience associated with decreased vision, patients can be corrected with therapy and contact lenses. Surgery is sometimes needed. The disease is diagnosed in adolescence and reaches its peak when the patient is performed about 30 years.

Keratoconus – a degenerative eye disease. When disease of the cornea gradually takes the form of a cone, much thinner. Symptoms: photophobia, split or smearing of the image. recommends that doctors and technology are recognized as the best in the world.

We found 0 clinics specialized in keratoconus with cumulative rating

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