Alberto Repossini Russia
Seniority 39 years , Professor ☺ reviews $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics
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Alberto Repossini

58 years / Seniority 39 years
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Clinic Medicine
Our company is the official representative of the doctor Alberto Repossini worldwide
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One of the best cardiac surgeons in the world, among the first who started to do surgery minimally invasive bypass surgery.

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Alberto Repossini - high cardiac surgeon. This specialist was one of the first European surgeon, practiced minimally invasive bypass surgery. it for over 15 years using techniques of minimally invasive cardiovascular surgery.

Scientific articles published in the best doctor of medical journals. Today, cardiac surgeon working at the clinic "Medicine", where he spent more than 100 surgeries. In total, about 350 specialist spends most complicated heart surgeries annually.

Surgery and Medicine physician trained at the University of Milan, where he graduated in 1986. Also during the training he studied cardiovascular pathology at the Institute of Pathological Anatomy, headed by Professor D. Constance. In France, it got cardiology and heart surgery specialization

The surgeon carries out a number of complex procedures through minitorakotomiyu:. Myocardial revascularization and mitral valve plasty. Also, it conducts surgical treatment of aortic aneurysms, valve surgery, bypass surgery. it sticks "hybrid philosophy", combining procedures to achieve maximum therapeutic effect.

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