Vul Olga Alexanderovna Russia
Seniority 34 years , doctor of the highest category ☺ reviews $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics
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Vul Olga Alexanderovna

doctor of the highest category
55 years / Seniority 34 years
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Our company is the official representative of the doctor Vul Olga Alexanderovna worldwide
Price for personal appointment $50
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She specializes in the treatment of cancer using chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and targentnoy.

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Olga Vul - a great specialist in the therapeutic treatment of oncological diseases. Doctor of the highest category, more than 14 years of saving lives of cancer patients.

Education Olga Vul received in the Ivanovo Medical Institute. Then mastered the specialty "Clinical Oncology". Some time worked only in the industry. For several years she worked in one of chemotherapist Norilsk hospital, where he later became the head of department of hematology and chemotherapy. In 2013, it began to take patients to the best cancer center in Russia. At the hospital, "Medicine" has served as an oncologist chemotherapy department.

Excellent chemotherapist provides medical services at the international level of quality. The competence of it Vul includes diagnostics of oncological processes. A specialist is a plan of treatment of cancer using drugs.

Provides treatment using chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targentnoy therapy. Olga provides medical care to patients with leukemia, eritremii, polycythemia.

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