Acromegaly treatment in Bulgaria
490 patients are sent for treatment

Acromegaly treatment in Bulgaria

➤ Acromegaly treatment in Bulgaria ➤ clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 490 patients are sent for treatment

Acromegaly is a quite rare, only found about 50 cases per million population. Every year this disease is diagnosed in 3 patients per million population.

the Disease develops in adults. It often causes not only external changes: increase the head and tissues of the face, feet and hands, but also manifested severe physiological disturbances. The disease causes headaches, male impotence, violation of menstrual cycle. The disease is treated with surgical and medical methods.

Acromegaly is a disease caused by dysfunction of the anterior pituitary. Provokes physiological deviations and an increase in limb and skull. recommends that doctors and technology are recognized as the best in the world.

We found 0 clinics specialized in acromegaly with cumulative rating

We found 0 clinics specialized in Endocrinology in Bulgaria

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