Maynkhard Balensiphen Germany
Seniority 30 years , Doctor of Medicine, Doctor ☺ reviews $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics
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Maynkhard Balensiphen

Doctor of Medicine, Doctor
51 years / Seniority 30 years
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Our company is the official representative of the doctor Maynkhard Balensiphen worldwide
Price for personal appointment $600
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Head of the Department of replacement.

Meinhard Balensifen - this is one of the most talented and successful orthopedic. The surgeon is a specialist in the field of children's, travel, sports orthopedics. Conducts hip and knee joint replacement operations on joints, feet and hands

For a long time was the physician of the German hockey team, including the Olympic Games in 2006. Podiatrist has extensive experience in Germany and other countries, made a significant contribution to the development of modern orthopedics. This is not a one-time specialist: Meinhard Balensifen holds full responsibility for the patient, since the diagnosis and ending with discharge

The study of medicine began in New Zealand, then trained as a general orthopedic and sports.. He worked at the University Hospital, where he delivered more than 150 lectures for students. Actively conducts research activities in the field of sports medicine. Then it was a consultant and chief physician of the hospital in Munich.

He studies, development and implementation of methods of experimental orthopedics. Today is receiving patients in the orthopedic center Munich East.

Price for diagnostic and manipulations
300$ - 700$
Rehabilitation after Traumatic Brain Injury
Price request
200$ - 600$
Rehabilitation of Children with Poliomyelitis
Price request
70$ - 1300$
Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy
Price request
1800$ - 2700$
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
Price request
170$ - 270$
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Price request
4000$ - 25000$
Correction of Spinal Curvature, Including Surgical Method
Price request
4500$ - 17000$
Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Spinal Surgery
Price request
from 300$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
4000$ - 18000$
Knee Replacement
Price request
80$ - 900$
Spinal Rehabilitation
Price request
3000$ - 17000$
Minimally Invasive Surgery for Lung Resection
Price request
14000$ - 17000$
A Surgery to Remove Part of the Lung
Price request
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