Aviva Fatal-Valevski Israel
Seniority 39 years , Doctor ☺ reviews $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics
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Aviva Fatal-Valevski

60 years / Seniority 39 years
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Our company is the official representative of the doctor Aviva Fatal-Valevski worldwide
Price for personal appointment $850
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A leading specialist in pediatrics and child neurology in Israel, he is practicing treatment ICP with botulinum toxin

Treat diseases

Aviva Fatale-Walewski received higher medical education at Tel Aviv University and graduated from the Higher School of Business Administration. Thus, now a practicing doctor is also a certified specialist of the management of medical institutions.

it has more than 30 years of successful medical practice. Moreover, she successfully combinesher direct activities with teaching at the School of Medicine for 15 years. Today Aviva Fatale-Walewski actively participates in various workshops and conferences, engaged in scientific research and writing scientific papers.

Research Issues

Conducts research the relationship between the development of neurological diseases in children and the lack of vitamin B1 in their diet

Professional activities

  • 1985 - 1992 pediatric neurologist at the Institute of a child development and the department of pediatric neurology at the Medical center "Ichilov", Tel Aviv, Israel < /li>
  • 1993 - 1996 - senior doctor of the Institute of a child development and the department of Pediatric neurology at the Medical center "Ichilov", Tel Aviv, Israel
  • 1996 - 2007 - Deputy Director of the child development Institute and the deputy. Head of the Department of Pediatric Neurology at the Medical Center "Ichilov", Tel Aviv, Israel
  • 2007 - 2009 - Acting Director Head of Department of Pediatric Neurology Medical Center Ichilov (Sourasky)

Membership community / Participation in events

  • The Israeli society of clinical pediatrics
  • The Israeli society for the treatment of epilepsy
  • European and International society of Paediatric neurology
  • The Association for combating leykodistroficheskimi diseases
  • Member of the central Committee of the Israeli society of pediatric neurology

scientific activities

The author of more than 50 scientific and medical publications and about 30 reports on general Israel and international scientific medical conferences.

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