Specializes in the research of immunology, stem cell biology of the nervous system, stem cell transplantation for diseases of the nervous system
At the moment, Professor Ben-Hur, head of neurological department of "Hadassah" and is a recognized authority in the field of neurology in Israel and around the world.
Professor Ben-Hur is a professional world-class in the treatment of various neurological diseases. In the sphere of interests of the professor include: neurological diseases, multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases, neuroinfections, neuropathy, retinoblastoma, histiocytosis
In the area of professional professors interests include the regeneration of the nervous system, stem cell transplantation, as well as research. neuroimmunology area.
Conducts clinical research on the transplantation of stem cells from bone marrow /
Head neurology department at the university, "Hadassah" hospital and is engaged in active clinical activity on a daily basis. The general experience of its medical work is more than 20 years.
Internship in experimental neuroscience of stem cells in the Institute. Pasteur (Paris, France).
He is the author of over 120 scientific papers on the treatment of multiple sclerosis, disorders of consciousness diagnosis, treatment neyromielita optic nerve transplantation of stem cells in neurological diseases, neyrovirusologii.
The professor received various research grants from the Israel Science Foundation, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Science, National Institute of Neurobiology, National Society of the United States of multiple sclerosis and others.
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