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Hadassah Medical Center

7 reviews
Online appointment 59 doctors are available
➤ Hadassah Medical Center ➤ Jerusalem, Israel ☺ 7 reviews $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ✆ Make an appointment +74954812786​
Hadassah medical center – honorary member of the American Hospital Association, was nominated for the Nobel peace prize. The center is known worldwide due to the large number of current medical studies and unique discoveries, is one of the most respected medical experts. Hadassah medical center – honorary member of the American Hospital Association, was nominated for the Nobel peace prize. The center is known worldwide due to the large number of current medical studies and unique discoveries, is one of the most respected medical experts.

Diagnostics and treatment prices

1300$ - 3000$
Prostate biopsy
Price request
250$ - 2500$
Gastroscopy + biopsy
Price request
from 15000$
Cyber ​​Knife (CyberKnife)
Price request
5000$ - 6000$
Price request
500$ - 1300$
Price request
from 6800$
Radiation Therapy
Price request
800$ - 3200$
Testicular Biopsy
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 690$
Cancer Care Remote Consultation
Price request
1300$ - 3200$
Lymph Node Biopsy
Price request
1100$ - 3000$
Cervical Biopsy
Price request
7500$ - 15000$
Knee Replacement
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
6000$ - 17000$
Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Spinal Surgery
Price request
8000$ - 25000$
Correction of Spinal Curvature, Including Surgical Method
Price request
170$ - 270$
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Price request
1800$ - 2700$
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
Price request
70$ - 1300$
Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy
Price request
200$ - 600$
Rehabilitation of Children with Poliomyelitis
Price request
300$ - 700$
Rehabilitation after Traumatic Brain Injury
Price request
Cardiology and a heart surgery
from 1200$
Check-up Diagnostics
Price request
from 13000$
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
12000$ - 35000$
Mitral Valve Repair
Price request
2000$ - 7000$
Myocardial Revascularization
Price request
3000$ - 15000$
Ablation of Heart Tissue
Price request
400$ - 21000$
A Pacemaker for Biventricular Resynchronization Installation
Price request
7000$ - 14000$
Gastric Bypass
Price request
10000$ - 12000$
Fundoplication by Nissen
Price request
130$ - 160$
Coronary angiography
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
Plastic surgery
200$ - 2500$
Price request
2500$ - 5000$
Price request
1700$ - 5000$
Labioplasty (plasticity of the labia majora and labia minora)
Price request
250$ - 11500$
Price request
3500$ - 7000$
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
1800$ - 2700$
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
170$ - 270$
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Price request
1800$ - 2700$
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
Price request
from 18000$
A Surgery to Remove Part of the Lung
Price request
3000$ - 17000$
Minimally Invasive Surgery for Lung Resection
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
80$ - 900$
Spinal Rehabilitation
Price request
170$ - 270$
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Price request
Hematology and haemato-oncology
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
1800$ - 2700$
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
Price request
800$ - 1300$
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 18000$
A Surgery to Remove Part of the Lung
Price request
3000$ - 17000$
Minimally Invasive Surgery for Lung Resection
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
ENT diseases, Otolaryngology
50$ - 550$
ENT Diagnostics
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
Urology and nephrology
1300$ - 3000$
Prostate biopsy
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
300$ - 1200$
Price request
800$ - 1300$
Price request
from 1200$
Check-up Diagnostics
Price request
250$ - 2500$
Gastroscopy + biopsy
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
500$ - 3500$
Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Price request
700$ - 4000$
Ultrasound Endoscopic Examination (EUS) with Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNA)
Price request
1200$ - 7000$
Removal of Gallstones
Price request
Detection of Cysts
Price request
from 400$
Esophagus Monometry
Price request
150$ - 700$
Rectal Sphincter Monometry
Price request
700$ - 1200$
Video Capsule Endoscopy
Price request
300$ - 1200$
Electrogastroscopy (EGG)
Price request
1500$ - 3200$
Liver Biopsy
Price request
Venereal diseases
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
160$ - 420$
Neurological Rehabilitation
Price request
80$ - 900$
Spinal Rehabilitation
Price request
170$ - 270$
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Price request
200$ - 1100$
Geriatric Rehabilitation in Elderly
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
52700$ - 150000$
Bone Marrow Transplantation
Price request
75000$ - 100000$
Kidney Transplantation
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
6000$ - 17000$
Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Spinal Surgery
Price request
8000$ - 25000$
Correction of Spinal Curvature, Including Surgical Method
Price request
80$ - 900$
Spinal Rehabilitation
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 1200$
Check-up Diagnostics
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
Obstetrics and Gynecology
from 1200$
Check-up Diagnostics
Price request
from 5780$
Price request
10000$ - 151000$
Natural Childbirth
Price request
1300$ - 6200$
Childbirth, Cesarean Section
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
2328$ - 6457$
Price request
7000$ - 14000$
Price request
1100$ - 3000$
Cervical Biopsy
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
6000$ - 17000$
Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Spinal Surgery
Price request
Sports medicine
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
6000$ - 17000$
Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Spinal Surgery
Price request
Narcology and alcoholism
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
Clinical genetics
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
Infectious diseases
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
Radiology, Radiation therapy
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 200$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
Hadassah Medical Center ➤ Hadassah Medical Center, ➤ Jerusalem, Israel, ☺ 7 reviews, $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics, ✆ Make an appointment: +74954812786​
50 151000 USD
Our company is the official representative of Hadassah Medical Center worldwide
Contact clinicfree
English speaking staff
Best doctors in selected clinic
Doctor  Andre Keren Andre Keren

Engaged in research and successful treatment of ischemic heart disease, valvular disease, cardiomyopathy, heart failure.

Doctor  Reuven Orn Reuven Orn

Co-founder of bone marrow transplantation department at the hospital, "Hadassah" and collaborator of infrastructure to perform bone marrow transplantation for various diseases

Doctor  Tamar Yablonski-Perets Tamar Yablonski-Perets

He is the director of Oncology Institute. Charette at Haddassa Ein hospital Kerem.Provodit active research in the field of oncology, is developing experimental drugs, including those intended for ustrareniya adverse effects arising from the application of chemotherapy

Doctor  Tamir Ben-Khur Tamir Ben-Khur

Specializes in the research of immunology, stem cell biology of the nervous system, stem cell transplantation for diseases of the nervous system

Doctor  Luna Kaduri Luna Kaduri

Moon Kaduri among the best specialists-clinic mammologists.

About Hadassah Medical Center

Hadassah Medical Center is a medical organization established in 1934 that operates two university hospitals: general profile "Hadassah har-ha-Tsofim" and "Hadassah Ein Kerem". It is in the center Haddasa was done first in Israel of coronary double-bypass surgery and transplantation, cardio-pulmonary complex.

Also here was born the nation's first child conceived through IVF. As for the world championship, were held at the clinic the world's first hip replacement.

Today Haddasa center doctors provide surgical and medical care of the highest level, and conduct interdisciplinary research of global significance. The hospital employs 5,000 highly qualified employees, operates 70 specialized branches, more than 1,100 beds, 31 postoperative ward.

The Presence of modern equipment allows the clinic staff Haddasa to work successfully in areas such as Oncology, obstetrics, ophthalmology, preparation for motherhood, ENT, endocrinology, etc. the Staff speaks several languages.

Clinic reviews
The diagnosis of epilepsy, was put to me half a year ago. It all started with the fact that I have often twitch the eyelids and dizzy. But I chalked it up to chronic fatigue from a stressful job. But I continued working because I wanted to finalize before retirement. But the frequent failures in some strange state, almost brought up the fact that in our factory, I almost ruined expensive equipment. I had good insurance from our company (in connection with the work on the most dangerous trade) and I decided to consult a neurologist. The neurologist did not really say, prescribed a sedative and sent home. After a couple of months I started having these seizures. My job was dangerous! And my Director with whom I had a good relationship, literally forced me to apply to the Hadassah Medical center. He was treated there once. Insurance would almost cover the treatment. Now I am receiving treatment from Dr. Reches. The seizures became less, dizziness is not so often I have come, and in general, began to feel better. And in general, having been here a few months, I have seen so successfully treated people who came here without any hope. But here they were able to help me, what was very refreshing!
For many years I was bothered by a phobia, afraid to go outside, plus convulsions with twitching of the limbs, if became nervous...and many things else what were ashamed to tell even to the doctor, especially to write here.Have underwent treatment in the center of Hadassah, became more communicative, and sociable, found a new job. You could say I gave a second life!Thank you so much!
Valera Sologub
With serious illness are faced for the first time when my grandmother needed a heart transplant, and acquaintances living in Israel, recommended the Hadassah hospital, then everything went perfectly and thank God, all remained in the past. Even could not imagine that will have to apply again, but when my nephew was vaccinated in three years and he started having seizures, it was decided, after unsuccessful attempts to remove attacks in the Homeland to go to Israel. Went, as to an old acquaintance: first, there are Russian-speaking curator who at any time of the day to answer and help, the problems with language was not and didn't even notice that the country is different. Second, the service is very friendly and relaxing. Adequate treatment helped immediately to relieve the seizures, the child's full brain examination on the newest equipment and professionalism of doctors doing their thing. Thanks, you have helped our family!
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