BPH is benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement) glandular epithelium, which consists of the prostate. BPH compresses the urethra and puts pressure on the bladder wall. For these reasons, the main symptoms of BPH are symptoms associated with impaired urination. But not only dysuric symptoms indicate adenoma and the need to appeal to the urologist, and to postpone the appeal to the doctor should not because this issue is now resolved delicately and without significant interference, as it was before.
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the symptoms of the adenoma joins deterioration of General health that is associated with the need to Wake up several times a night, in men aged 45 - 55 years, adenoma leads to a decrease in potency, there is emotional discomfort, exacerbated chronic diseases. The delicacy of the problems needlessly forcing men to delay the appeal to the urologist. Modern methods of treatment of adenoma allow to save the patient from physical suffering and emotional discomfort. In addition, current long-term BPH puts pressure on the bladder, whose walls are compacted at the beginning and then there is thinning, leading to impaired function of the bladder, which further complicates the disease. Drug treatment of BPH, also provides only temporary and not the full effect, allowing to reduce the symptoms of the disease.
Even in the recent past, a large-size BPH had to be removed surgically. This difficult operation was performed by open method through the perineum, with a high risk of bleeding and under General anesthesia. For such an operation required considerable skill of the surgeon and a lot of time for the rehabilitation of the patient. Today the situation has changed. Increasingly, BPH removed with a laser, when the breast tissue is removed in layers for 30-40 minutes. Laser vaporization of BPH performed through the urethra, under local anesthesia, without the risk of damage to surrounding tissues. In some cases, use different alternative to radical prostatectomy is robotic surgery using the surgical complex of the Da Vinci and laparoscopic surgery.
With the advent of new techniques has significantly decreased the cost of treatment of BPH. The decrease in cost was affected by the lack of need for prolonged hospital stay, as well as significant proliferation of new technologies in urological practice. Laser or minimally invasive treatment of BPH has become available to most patients, and this is very important because the diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia establish in 50% of men over the age of 50 years. In addition, we want to acknowledge the professional, individual approach and friendly atmosphere recommended by us urology centers operating on the basis of the major international clinics.
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