Oren Shibolet Israel
Seniority 45 years , doctor of the highest category, Doctor ☺ reviews $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics
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Oren Shibolet

doctor of the highest category, Doctor
66 years / Seniority 45 years
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Our company is the official representative of the doctor Oren Shibolet worldwide
Price for personal appointment $600
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A leading hepatologist of Israel, specializes in the treatment of liver diseases, including autoimmune, viral and genetic treatment of cirrhosis of the liver, liver cancer treatment, liver transplantation, treatment of fatty liver.

Treat diseases

Oren Shibolet - professor, a famous practitioner hepatologist, backed by many years experience in the study and treatment of liver diseases of different etiology and severity. Specialty Doctor covers areas such as the liver damage caused by use of drugs, as well as fatty degeneration of the liver cells.

After graduating in University of Jerusalem Oren Shibolet continued to improve his skills and develop practical skills in the Hadassah hospital, where he was passed specialization in gastroenterology.

Today, the professor is a A leading specialist in the treatment of pathologies of the liver. In his medical practice, Dr. uses advanced diagnostic and treatment methods, as well as advanced safety preparations. Brilliant results Professor succeeded in the field of struggle with chronic viral hepatitis.

Research Issues

  • Director of the research group and the distribution of grants on a competitive basis for research by the Academy of Sciences of Israel, Association of fight against cancer;
  • browser scientific journals and agencies;
  • Chairman of the study group during the largest private Israeli clinic - "Assuta";
  • research and practice in hospital of Massachusetts;
  • in Jerusalem Hebrew University senior lecturer;
  • is engaged in research with a grant from the Science Foundation of the two peoples and the Israel Association for cancer research

. Professional activities

  • Acting Head of the gastroenterology department of the hospital Ichilov
  • Head of Department of the Hospital of liver disease Ichilov
  • doctor in the department of internal medicine and liver Hadassah hospital

Exams / Accreditations

Dr. Shibolet held practice and training in the United States, in Boston, Massachusetts at the Hospital, in the department of gastroenterology.

Membership community / Participation in events

  • as general secretary of the Company's Israel study of the liver;
  • Society of America for the study of liver diseases;
  • The Company of Europe for the study of liver disease;
  • The Association of Israeli doctors, gastroenterologists ;.
  • a member of the Association of American physicians-Gastroenterology

Scientific activities

The scientific work of Professor printed in many well-known professional medical journals. Here are some of them:

  • «Idiopathic involvement of the liver to the Turner Syndrome»;
  • «Late tsitamegalovirusnaya infection after liver transplantation»;
  • «Paradoxical reactions Bartonella at the eye».

More than 60 professional publications. Around 100 presentations at scientific conferences

Price for diagnostic and manipulations
1500$ - 3200$
Liver Biopsy
Price request
300$ - 1200$
Electrogastroscopy (EGG)
Price request
700$ - 1200$
Video Capsule Endoscopy
Price request
150$ - 700$
Rectal Sphincter Monometry
Price request
400$ - 700$
Esophagus Monometry
Price request
1200$ - 7000$
Removal of Gallstones
Price request
700$ - 4000$
Ultrasound Endoscopic Examination (EUS) with Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNA)
Price request
500$ - 3500$
Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Price request
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 690$
Skype consultation
Price request
250$ - 2500$
Gastroscopy + biopsy
Price request
300$ - 5000$
Check-up Diagnostics
Price request
800$ - 1300$
Price request
from 1000$
Price request
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