Prostate cancer treatment in city Istanbul
8,534 patients are sent for treatment

Prostate cancer treatment in clinics of Istanbul

➤ Prostate cancer treatment in clinics of Istanbul ➤ 6 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 14 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 8,534 patients are sent for treatment

prostate Cancer, according to statistics, common in men over 40. Of malignant tumors of the disease is in most countries, 2-3 place. And 400 thousand initial claims are registered every year.

Men, watch your diet! Proved that the increased content of proteins and fats in the daily diet increases the risk of terribleailment.

Prostate cancer, in addition to obesity has several causes: heredity, race (light-skinned get sick less often), intoxication with cadmium. But the main reason is aging. Treatment is carried out using the radiation medication, but leads the surgical technique of radical prostatectomy. recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.

We found 6 clinics specialized in prostate cancer with cumulative rating
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
Reliable alternative!
Network of Medical Park hospitals specialised on treatment prostate cancer
The network of clinics of medical Park can be called the leading medical institutions not only in Istanbul but throughout the country. Qualified specialists and professors of the Sciences, have extensive experience in the treatment of cancer and ...
Main branches:
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
Network hospitals Memorial specialised on treatment prostate cancer
The network of hospitals the memorial is a complex of eight medical institutions which provided services for organ transplants, genetic research, artificial insemination, treatment of cancer, cardiac diseases and many others.
Main branches:
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
The network of hospitals Acibadem specialised on treatment prostate cancer
The network of clinics of aesthetic medicine, which includes 14 General hospitals, by right occupies a leading place in providing health services in the country. Istanbul Acibadem center offers its patients diagnosis and treatment in a comfortable ...
Main branches:
Oncology , Neurosurgery , Trichology
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
Neolife medical center Istanbul specialised on treatment prostate cancer
The Neolife medical center specialization is cancer treatment helping patients for over 25 years. In the regular practice of the center for the use of programs of psychological support of patients and their loved ones.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff

We found 6 clinics specialized in Oncology in Turkey

the causes of prostate cancer

the Main risk group for this disease – older men. Aging is accompanied by a change of a hormonal background (in itself it can cause cancer). There is another reason: the accumulation in the body of carcinogenic substances (especially cigarette smokers). The accumulation of these carcinogens, like cadmium, is associated with work in hazardous industries (e.g., welding, batteries, or metals).It is proved that in the human genome there are sections that prevent the occurrence of prostate cancer. Reducing their activity can also cause malignant neoplasm of the prostate. Not to be discounted, and a genetic predisposition to developing this disease. The cancer can cause chronic inflammatory diseases and precancerous conditions.

Major risk factors for prostate cancer:

  • race (highest incidence in men belonging to the Negroid-Australoid race).
  • Work in enterprises connected with harmful production.
  • Smoking.
  • an Unbalanced diet (food with a high content of animal fats).
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Age. As a rule, more common in older men.

the Immediate causes of prostate cancer is not identified because this disease for a long time does not manifest itself.

Symptoms of prostate cancer

In the early stages of the disease the symptoms are practically non-existent. The first pain appear in the later stages, with the growth of tumors and dissemination of metastases. The development of symptoms of prostate cancer occurs over several years.

The main feature to detect prostate cancer in its early stages and is improving the level of PSA (prostate specific antigen) in the blood. This sign is alarming and to identify the disease at the stage of precancerous changes.

With the germination of the tumor into the urethra or bladder may develop symptoms such as frequent and difficult urination, urinary incontinence, sudden urges to urinate that are difficult to contain.

With the spread of metastasis growing pains in the extremities (the reason is the compression of spinal cord metastases). With the penetration of metastasis in various organs, violating their normal operation.

In the early diagnosis of prostate cancer preventive measures should play a major role. In this regard, it is very important screening men aged more than 50 years, as well as younger men with existing predisposition to this disease.

prostate cancer Diagnosis

  • finger examination of the prostate by the doctor-urologist it is necessary to start!
  • ultrasound of the prostate.
  • blood test for prostate specific antigen (PSA).
  • Biopsy (sampling of tissue samples for further laboratory tests).
  • Visual inspection of the lymph nodes.
  • blood test for analgin (detection in the blood of this substance occurs when cancer spreads beyond the prostate).
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and/or computed tomography of the pelvis

If you have symptoms of lesions of other organs, is assigned to the appropriate treatment.

Classification of prostate cancer

in Addition to the classic four stages of cancer, spend classification of prostate cancer, in accordance with the scale of Gleason.

On a scale from 2 to 10 estimate the aggressiveness of the disease.

  • 2-6 – low aggressiveness
  • 7-8 – average aggressiveness
  • 9-10 – high aggressiveness

For specific numbers, use a special table consisting of five sectors with the image of the cells, increasing their degree of malignancy. These images are compared with the biopsy results obtained during laboratory tests. Number of sectors with the image of the most common types of cells summarize. The resulting amount is the number to assess the degree of aggressiveness of a cancer.

Basic methods of treatment of prostate cancer

  • watchful WaitingThis method is the lack of treatment, while the tumor is strictly demarcated and there is no obvious growth. Used mainly in relation to older men with significant comorbidities. At the same time, the patient is constantly under a doctor's supervision. He regularly needs to undergo diagnostic procedures.
  • radical Prostatectomy This method of treatment until recently were quite unpopular because it threatens to urinary incontinence and impotence. Modern surgical techniques allow to avoid such unpleasant consequences. How effective is surgical intervention directly depends on the stage of the disease. If the lymph nodes are not affected, the survival rate within 10 years is about 80%; at later stages – less than 40%.
  • Radiation therapythe essence of the method – destruction of cancer cells with radioactive material. One of the techniques – introduction of radioactive substance directly into the tumor. This approach allows to avoid complications arising in conventional radiation therapy.
  • Cryotherapytumor Destruction occurs under the influence of low temperatures. Gives a good effect in combination with hormonal therapy. Gives good results in 75% of patients. Used when other treatments are not effective.
  • surgery using the Da Vinci Robot In contrast to the operations carried out with the help of the scalpel, this innovative method is less traumatic, minimizes blood loss, maintains potency and normal urination. When this is not performed the cutting of the abdomen and perineum. Access to the prostate is provided through five small punctures in the lower abdomen. A miniature video camera is projected on the screen is enlarged in 15-20 times the image. This intervention can be called filigree (the robot with absolute accuracy repeats the hand movements of the surgeon). After such surgery, patients recover quickly (statement made on the sixth day after the operation).

the choice of strategy of treatment is influenced by patient's age, stage of cancer, the probability of the individual characteristics of the organism. Consult with leading experts.

When I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the first reaction was of course panic, and then I Packed up and started to look for information on the Internet and on the forums. I'm still grateful to all those people who write reviews about their appeal to different professionals – I this information helped to survive. That is why I write about how I got to Israel, and how I was able to overcome the disease.The purpose of my search information on the Internet to understand where and how to treat ovarian cancer, what are my prospects in General? The important thing is that I knew we must act quickly. Of course, I wanted to go to a top specialist because of the ability to experiment just wasn't there.I immediately realized that I wanted to be treated in Israel, as there is a percentage of cure from cancer is very high, including ovarian cancer. This treatment is cheaper than, say, the USA or Germany, for me it was also an important argument. I only had to choose the doctor. About Professor Moshe Inbar had a lot of positive reviews so I decided to go for a consultation to him. I read that it shone Oncology, one of the best specialists in the country, with many titles and awards. In General, riding to the reception with understandable excitement. But it turned out that it is also a surprisingly charming person very easy to communicate with. Maybe for someone it is not important, but I think in Oncology in the possibility of simple human contact with the doctor, not the fear and dread of him and his credibility is very important.Professor appointed me to the examination (ultrasound, PET CT), which was assigned to phase 2A. The doctor explained to me that the only treatment option is removal of the uterus with appendages, but still extended operation is not required, as in the neighbouring organs cancer was not detected. Perhaps if I arrived earlier, it would be possible to limit removal of the ovary, and have lasted much longer – it would take the radiation and chemo. So I think that in some sense I was lucky, the treatment was limited to surgery, which was done quickly and very neatly. Now, when this story is over, and I can safely say that survived and beat cancer, I want to advise all women facing a similar diagnosis, don't wait and immediately contact professionals that you trust. I chose Moshe Inbar and I have not regretted.
When I was diagnosed with "cervical cancer" I was in a complete panic. Decided that the treatment will be abroad and chose Israel, Dr. Moshe Inbar. I want to say that it is not only the best specialist in Oncology, but also a very sympathetic person. All the survey I did quickly operated. It's only been 3 years, and I have become a mother to a healthy baby.
I was treated by Moshe Inbar from breast cancer, and all women who have the same problem, I advise you to address him. Even if you only consult the best specialist in this field in Israel, you will have full confidence in the correct diagnosis and how it really needs to be treated. I, for example, after the consultation, changed the stage of cancer, and therefore revised treatment – appointed additional exposure. If this is not done, the cancer would have returned.
Marina Innokentievna
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