4,249 patients are sent for treatment
Autsim treatment in clinics of Mumbai
➤ Autsim treatment in clinics of Mumbai ➤ 6 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 23 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 4,249 patients are sent for treatment
Doclandmed.com recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.
We found 6 clinics specialized in autsim with cumulative rating
The clinic is certified by:
Clinic Fortis Of Mulund specialised on treatment autsim
Multidisciplinary clinic consisting of 20 branches. Is the title of the best orthopedic clinics in India.
Main branches:
Cardiology and a heart surgery
ENT diseases, Otolaryngology
Obstetrics and Gynecology
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We found 2 clinics specialized in Psychiatry in India
Thank the doctor that saved my husband, and with him and me and our children. No exaggeration. Watch as killed native people, and how this affects children - it is unbearably painful. When I found the clinic, and all agreed, was very afraid that her husband will not agree. But he hasn't said a word, but just started to get on the road. And during treatment all the instructions of doctors performed clearly tried. Now we have six months living as if he doesn't there is a "black" period.
More than 5 years ago I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the prostate (T3N0M0). I have started to put anti-androgenic therapy. Injections of Zoladex and casodex. But still my condition was stable and there was no improvement. I have spat on all this low-intensity treatment and decided to seek specialized medical centre where I was given a normal treatment. Just planned a vacation and I was going on holiday to Korea, because I love their culture, and life's not long, and I want the world to see and many places to visit. In this case it was decided to make inquiries and consultation of the urologist and oncologist. Learned that there is a good specialist in the medical center SAM. There and asked. Now they have, so they took 2 months at their own expense. I want to finally be cured already!
Decided to appeal to the Israeli doctors on its own initiative, when he realized that dying in the Prime of life. Of course, they have this whole system is debugged and are long running. Probably because they have drunk in the street no. But I believe that Russia can do without the vodka. And even without the beer. I came home, yet not stalling, what's most surprising. Well, if you lose it, the path already trodden. I wish you all only lead a healthy lifestyle. From the music to only listen to Mozart, and from the TV, only discovery channel. And everything will be OK.
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