Leading medical centres and clinics specialized in nephrology in Spain
➤ Nephrology in Spain ➤ 3 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 9 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 2,227 patients are sent for treatment
The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment in Spain .
Был искренне поражен технологическим прогрессом в Испании. CRM клиники позволяет видить результаты моего обслежования из любой точки мира. теперь для повтороного обсулежования мне не нужно ехать в Испанию, хотя я и очень люблю Барселону. Я могу...
Hospital Velton specializing in the treatment of arthroscopy and hip and knee arthroplasty. At the clinic, patients will be able to pass not only accurate diagnostics and quality treatment with the help of modern equipment, but also rapid ...
University hospital QUIRON MADRID - the world famous private multidisciplinary medical institution corresponding to world standards, which is confirmed, what is confirmed by ISO certificate.
University clinic of Navarra called the most technologically advanced clinics in Spain, which is one of the best clinics of Europe. She works at the medical faculty of Navarre University, which allows her the first professionals to access the latest ...