Leukemia treatment in city Istanbul
8,517 patients are sent for treatment

Leukemia treatment in clinics of Istanbul

➤ Leukemia treatment in clinics of Istanbul ➤ 4 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 10 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 8,517 patients are sent for treatment

the Statistics relating to the disease leukemia, a very controversial and kognovitsky. American statistics gives us a figure of 25 cases per 100,000 persons.

the Word "leukemia" in recent years it has become intimidating not less than "breast cancer". People have trouble imagining what the disease is, but I know that this diagnosis does not Bode well. It is indeed cancer, and it develops sometimes immediately.

Leukemia called leukemia, malignant tumor of blood. This kind of cancer disease is unusual in that it develops in the bone marrow, which produces blood cells. In the medullar substance are accumulated immature blood cells, then they are found in many vessels and organs. Treatment - chemotherapy, bone marrow transplantation.

Doclandmed.com recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.

We found 4 clinics specialized in leukemia with cumulative rating
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
Reliable alternative!
Network hospitals Memorial specialised on treatment leukemia
The network of hospitals the memorial is a complex of eight medical institutions which provided services for organ transplants, genetic research, artificial insemination, treatment of cancer, cardiac diseases and many others.
Main branches:
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
The network of hospitals Acibadem specialised on treatment leukemia
The network of clinics of aesthetic medicine, which includes 14 General hospitals, by right occupies a leading place in providing health services in the country. Istanbul Acibadem center offers its patients diagnosis and treatment in a comfortable ...
Main branches:
Oncology , Neurosurgery , Trichology
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
Neolife medical center Istanbul specialised on treatment leukemia
The Neolife medical center specialization is cancer treatment helping patients for over 25 years. In the regular practice of the center for the use of programs of psychological support of patients and their loved ones.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff

We found 4 clinics specialized in Haemato-oncology in Turkey

I have long-standing problems with the blood vessels. When varicose veins increased thrombophlebitis, my doctor said that the situation is serious, and you need to prepare for surgery. Surgery I decided abroad, but there was an important caveat. Because patients vessels a long flight for me was the threat, and indeed to fly I didn't – a very high risk that the clot. When I was asked to go for treatment to Poland, I was very surprised. Somehow I did not meant the countries of the former Soviet bloc with the medicine of the European level. As it turned out, absolutely nothing. I looked on the Internet and decided to contact Maciej Chelaru, as it is considered one of the leading vascular surgeons in Poland. Went to Warsaw on the train, decided not to risk it. Arrived without problems. The first consultation was rather long, the doctor conversed with me through an interpreter, examined his feet, then appointed a few studies and suggested not to proceed with the operation. He also believed that the risk of a blood clot separation is very high. I agreed, and he operated on me the next day. Don't know what I did, but I recovered very quickly and soon went home.
Immediately after the childbirth of my child was completely healthy, at least so the doctors said. However, it is very bad eating and came to the ground, then began to get sick, always have some infection, which is also poorly developed. We decided to explore son abroad, began to choose hospital. Stopped at Poland – and still closer and cheaper, the reviews are very good. About Medicover clinic I told the pediatrician, and then I began to look for information on the Internet. Before we go for treatment, I consulted with a doctor from the clinic Medicover, she gave me advice on examination. Some of the assignments I did in Russia, after all it's cheaper, but most surveys were carried out already in Warsaw. It seemed to me that I should, because and laboratory tests, and other methods may have different rules in different countries. As a result of the child revealed a rare disease-congenital immunodeficiency who require permanent replacement therapy. As soon as he started to get it turned into an ordinary child and soon caught up with their peers in height and weight.
Remember how it all began, I hate still. Weakness, malaise, fatigue, the doctor suspected corny low hemoglobin, was sent for a blood test and suddenly it found tumor cells. Rechecked, did a bone marrow puncture — the diagnosis was confirmed, a cancer of the blood, leukemia. Of course, I admit that in Russia I would be cured, I suppose, that luck would be with drugs (cancer patients, they are often not enough or is effective is administered useless and expensive replacement). However, I immediately decided: going to be treated in Israel, at least partially, but there. With a choice of clinic, the question was not — I come from several sources received confirmation that the Medical center named after Yitzhak Rabin — the best cancer treatment in the country. There clinical some  University, and the latest techniques, and treatment outcomes (survival, absence of metastases) are much better than in many other clinics. The treatment was long. I was lucky that he was the right person to stay, but in principle next to the clinic there are special apartments for patients and their relatives. In General, without going into details, of course, it was hard, both physically and mentally. But the attitude of the staff, the atmosphere made the treatment as comfortable as possible, for which I am very grateful to the doctors and nurses.  
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