A A leading neurosurgeon Medical Center. Chaim Sheba, perform complex operations on the brain in children and adults. He specializes in traumatic brain injury, removal of benign and malignant tumors, installing different shunts.
Medical Officer Yacov Zauberman is an oncologist and a neurosurgeon. This doctor not only mastered two sophisticated specialization, it also develops its own methods of treatment and research. He works in a hospital named Sheba, and is a A leading neurosurgeon. He practiced in three areas: spinal, children, oncological neurosurgery. it shows excellent results in the surgical treatment of malignant tumors in children.
Medical Education started this eminent specialist in the Israeli Technion University. Then Brigham was on probation at the American University. After that, he continued his education and trained in Seattle. Total behind Jacob Zaubermana more than 20 years of medical practice and research. His clinical and scientific experience is not limited to surgical practice.
James Zauberman is the author of more than 50 specialized publications and scientific papers. He is actively involved in international medical conferences. This doctor is a member of two major medical associations: Israel in the field of neurosurgery, neurosurgical US
A senior doctor neurosurgical department of MC "Shiba"
<.. h2> Exams / AccreditationsThe author of scientific articles and publications. Member of the Israeli and international conferences.
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