Leading medical centres and clinics specialized in diagnostics in Poland
➤ Diagnostics in Poland ➤ 16 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 21 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 9,350 patients are sent for treatment
Exact and timely diagnostics of an organism - the first step to recovery! Check Up - complex medical examination of an organism.
The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment in Poland .
Я поехал в Краков, в Университетскую клинику на Check-up диагностику, стоит она там недорого, делается быстро, поэтому многие мои приятели время от времени пользуются этой услугой, чтобы не тратить время и нервы в России. Я тоже ехал уже второй раз...
Leading medical centres and clinics specialized in diagnostics in Poland➤ Diagnostics in Poland, ➤ 16 clinics, Addresses, $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics, ☺ 21 reviews, ✎ Make an appointment, ✉ 9,350 patients are sent for treatment
We found 16 clinics specialized in diagnostics with cumulative rating
European medical center is a unique clinic specializing in Oncology, urology and cardiology. The clinic provides high-precision operation using a surgical manipulator Kymerax. The centre is equipped with the most modern diagnostic equipment.
Medical center Gifu gathered the best professionals for the treatment of cancer of the prostate (prostate). Doctors first in Poland implemented one of the most modern methods of therapy of malignant tumors — HIFU (HIGH INTENSITY FOCUSED ULTRASOUND).
Carolina medical Center is one of the leading medical centers in Europe in the field of orthopedics. This is one of two clinics in the world, certified FIFA Medical Clinic of Excellence (Best Medical Clinic of the World football Federation).
The clinic is located on the Baltic sea coast and provides a full range of rehabilitation services. In the treatment complex to recover from injury or surgery, to lose weight and have a good rest.
Copernicus clinic - medical center of international stature, whose history starts from 1857. Unsurpassed quality of services is confirmed by awards and testimonials.
I went to Poland with his mother, she has a “bouquet” of heart disease. In Russia the doctors all blamed on age and, in my opinion, came to the treatment is very superficial. In the cardiology clinic Medicover, which is headed by Professor Kopacz, mom had a very thorough examination clarified the diagnosis, and finally, he prescribed a medication that really helps.
NicholayDec 5, 2016
I don't have any special health problems, do not go to the hospitals, do not like, and have no time, but the idea that it would be nice to pass some inspection, comes to me by the times. When I heard from friends is that you can come to Israel, good clinic in which in one day will do a bunch of research, was very interested. Is not so expensive, it can be finished quickly, at a high level, in addition to take a little vacation — to combine the examination with the rest of the sea. So I got in Rabin medical center. Fortunately, nothing bad I have not found, so we can continue to live and be happy.
AlexeyDec 5, 2016
I really liked that in the Herzliya medical center for me has secured a special curator, where it is called "case Manager". Even before arrival I sent all my tests and papers, I drew up a plan of examination and treatment. Each visit to the clinic, the curator went with me to the consultation, translated what the doctors said, explained the survey results. This approach makes the treatment abroad a lot easier.